XI meeting







in Estoril, Portugal

9-th -13-th of April,2003



Theme of the meeting:




This working meeting will be held in a

beautiful environment, on the seaside, by the beach, nice weather,

at Estoril (27 Km from centre of Lisbon), a charming and touristic  area.









We are happy to announce the  XI Meeting of FEPTO which main theme will be WAYS OF SUPERVISION as a continuation of the topic of Sofia meeting which was “From training to Practice” We are looking forward to meet again and have an exciting professional and personal exchange.


Portugal is a country with friendly people, delicious food and nice weather. The region of Estoril is close to Cascais (2 Km), a small, picturesque fishing village and to Lisbon (27 Km), a beautiful City, known as the “city of light”.


We will be staying at a 4 star Hotel, 15 min walk to a beautiful beach and in a touristical area where you may find many restaurants, Casino, bars , etc.


Near to the hotel we have a small train station that takes you to Cascais, Belém or Centre of Lisbon  in a  beautiful ride, by the ocean.


The Meeting includes one excursion to the town of Sintra   on 11.04.03. and a  dinner at a Fado House (Restaurant with Fado Music) in the old town of Lisbon. Both tour and special dinner are included in the price of the registration for this meeting.


There is the possibility of getting a bus from the airport direct to Estoril that runs every hour and costs 7 Euros, then a small walk or a small taxi ride to the Hotel.  Also it is very easy to get a taxi at the Airport. The normal price for taxis Airport – Hotel is between 20-30 Euro. The taxis have a taxing machine that shows the exact price in Euro. There is no expected tip.







Wednesday, April 9, 2003


15.30 - 18.00                Registration and welcome drink
18.00 - 19.00                Opening av FEPTO meeting, local organizers

                  and Chair Person

20.00                           Dinner

Thursday, April 10, 2003


9.00 – 10.00      Large group "introduction to the main theme"
                        WHAT IS SUPERVISION?

10.00 - 10.30                Coffee-break
10.30 - 12.00                Small group work on the topic
12.00 - 13.00                "Encounter time"

13.00 - 15.00                Lunch
15.00 - 16.30                Small group work continues
16.30 - 17.00                Coffee-break
17.00 - 18.30                Large group. Summary of the group work done in small groups

18.30 – 19.30                Free time

19.30 – 20.30                ACTION TIME  Large group

21.00 -             Dinner and Dance

Friday, April, 11 2003


9.00 - 10.00                  Large group “Different ways of supervision”
10.00 - 10.30                 Coffee-break
10.30-12.00                  Small groups -action methods "different
                  ways of supervision"

13.30 -              Excursion to Sintra and Estoril (the whole afternoon)

Dinner: FADO restaurant with music

Saturday, April  12 2003 


9.30 – 13.00                             General Assembly, Committee reports
Commemoration of our Founding Member, Adeline Salomé
Finkelstein who passed away this year.

13.00 – 14.30                Lunch
14.30 – 16.00                Committee works

16.00 -  16.30               Coffee brake

16.30 – 17.30                Large group, Reports of the committee work

20.00 – 21.00                FEPTO THEATRE  A creative summary of the meeting


Sunday, April 13 2003


10.00 - 12.00                Evaluation and discussion about the topic of the next meeting.

Handover from the Portuguese Association to the Finnish

Association, the oganizer of the next FEPTO meeting in Finland

12.00 - 12.45                             CLOSURE OF FEPTO MEETING by the President






For hotel reservation and information contact:



-tell:00351 – 21 464 75 90

-fax:00351 -21 464 75 99

-Web Page:


For registration return your form to :


Manuela Maciel

Rua do Guadiana, 76

Quinta do Lameiro

2775   Parede


-tell:00351 -96 286 29 62

-fax:00351 -21 457 26 47









Registration fee:


Before 28/02 – 125 Euros

After 28/02 - 150 Euros

In case of canceling participation before 01.04.03-refund is 75% of registration fee, after 01.04.03: 25% of the fee.


– Accommodation fees per person:


For 4 nights at Hotel Clube do Lago:


In triple bedroom – 4 x 33.50  =134.00 Euros

in double bed room -4 x 40.00 Euro =160.00 Euros

in single bed room -4 x 50.00 =200.00 Euros


(This price includes bed, breakfast, lunch)



Deadline for receiving the Registration Form and Reservation:

15  March  2003!


For late registration please use e-mail


The registration fee send to the account of FEPTO:



Montagne du Parc,3 ,  B -1000 BRUSSELS

Code Swift  : GEBABE BB

Transfer to FEPTO

For account nr: 001-3573240-30

International Bank Number IBAN: BE15 0013 5732 4030

Please mention: "Registration fee FEPTO Estoril".


You should make directly your hotel reservation by faxing or emailing Hotel Clube do Lago, mentioning “FEPTO  XI Meeting” and paying for one night in advance, with Credit card Information: Name, Number of card, Validity and Code Number, saying that you authorize the Hotel to use the card for paying one night deposit. The other expenses at the Hotel you will pay when checking out.














If you will participate in the FEPTO meeting ,please

complete below:


Name ......................................................................….........


Institution ....................................................…………






City ..................................................Zip code ..........




Phone No ........................……………………...……...


Fax No .............................……………………………..


Email address........................................................….


I want to stay in :


-triple bedroom                   Yes/No


–double bedroom              Yes/No


–single bedroom                                Yes/No


with   ................................accompanying persons.


I want to share room with


.............................................…………………………..                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 I paid  the Hotel Deposit Yes/No


Date of arrival ........time .......flight No ........from .…..


Date of departure .......time ........flight No .....


I prefer vegetarian food