The Council Meeting in Milano
Last October we had our Council Meeting in Italy (Milano).The meeting commenced with a minute's silence in respect for Bernhard Achterberg whose sudden death was reported in August.
The main topic of our discussion has been the preparation of the General Assembly in Sevilla. Graciela Rojas-Bermudez reported on the preparations to date. In Sevilla there is a four star hotel available and offering: 4 nights in a double room, all meals, plus one large and two small meeting rooms for approximately 100 people (cost 500 DM per head). Members would pay this directly to the hotel. A further cost of 250DM per head to pay for coffee, teas, stationery etc. would be payable to FEPTO making a final total to members of 750DM. Graciela offered to research the possibility of some cheap nearby pensions to recommend for the members attending from Eastern Europe.
Other topics:
Newsletter. As there is no editor since Bernhard Achterberg's death, Göran Högberg agreed to edit newsletters up to next March. A new editor would be appointed at the next General Assembly.
Website. Marco Boria demonstrated the use of a website. It was unanimously agreed that FEPTO should obtain one. There was discussion as to whether we accept the estimate from Themis, or explore the matter further. It was agreed by majority vote for, provided the cost does not exceed 3600DM initially and 600DM annually - all including VAT.
Bye-laws. A working group is needed to create bye-laws and recommendations and to clarify roles within the Council. Graciela Rojas-Bermudez and Pierre Fontaine agreed to produce a discussion document for the next meeting.
Nomination Committee. It was proposed that we create a committee to work towards continuity by preparing nominations for the next Council. It was agreed by majority vote. Göran Högberg and Renée Oudijk agreed to prepare a discussion paper for the next meeting.
Giovanni BORIA