Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations - FEPTO

(P.1) In this Constitution the term psychodrama refers to the theory and methodology based on the work of J.L. Moreno.
(P.2) The focus of FEPTO is psychodrama training and research.
(P.3) The aim of this Constitution is to provide a firm working basis for FEPTO and its future development. It is accepted that a number of terms contained in it may, in the future, require more precise definition.
1.1. This association is named: Federation of European Psychodrama Training Organisations - FEPTO (in French: Fédération des organismes de formation au psychodrame - FEPTO) It has been constituted and incorporated as an International Association in accordance with the Belgian law of October 25, 1919, modified by the law of December 6, 1954.
1.2. The address of the Association is Herestraat 21, B - 3000 Leuven. It may be transferred to any other location in Belgium by simple decision of the Council published in the Annexes au Moniteur belge.
2.1. FEPTO is a Federation of Psychodrama Training Organisations in Europe and the Mediterranean area. It has an educational and scientific aim and is a non-profit making Association.
2.2. The purpose of FEPTO is to support the wider recognition of psychodrama within Europe and Mediterranean area through the development of competence in those who practice it.
2.3. The Federation will work:
ˇ to support the development of training in psychodrama; 
ˇ to promote interchange between the members of FEPTO;
ˇ to recommend minimal standards for psychodrama training; 
ˇ to co-ordinate the timing of international European and Mediterranean psychodrama events;
ˇ to uphold ethical standards of psychodrama;
ˇ to promote research and quality-evaluations of the method.
3.1. All organisational members of FEPTO must be located and registered in Europe or in the Mediterranean area. 
3.2. All memberships will be approved by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Council.
3.3. There will be three categories of membership:
Founding Members. Are those individuals who signed the Constitution at the Inaugural Meeting.
Training Organisations (including their affiliates) who provide a training program in psychodrama.
Such Organisations must present:
ˇ a legal form of organisation stipulated by the laws of the country;
ˇ a formal documented structure;
ˇ a published curriculum;
ˇ a published list of training staff;
ˇ the number of its training groups;
ˇ a list of certified psychodramatists. 
Psychodrama Organisations providing accreditation, certification and/or setting training standards. 
Such organisations must present:
ˇ a legal form of organisation stipulated by the laws of the country;
ˇ a formal documented structure;
ˇ a published list of individual and/or organisational members.
4.1 The General Assembly comprises all members in good standing. Each Training Organisation may send two representatives. Accrediting Organisations may send one representative.
4.2 This Assembly shall have the final power of decision-making within FEPTO. 
Particularly, its competence regards the following points:
ˇ approval of budgets and accounts;
ˇ election and revocation of Council members;
ˇ modification of the Constitution;
ˇ dissolution of the Association.
4.3 It shall meet at least once in each calendar year, in the place indicated on the convocation made by the Council Chairperson, to carry out the business of FEPTO, including the approval of the yearly account.
4.4 The Assembly will elect the members of the Council. It has also the power to remove a Council Member from his office. This removal has to be voted by two-thirds majority and must be motivated. 
4.5 There shall be an Annual General Assembly. The first such meeting will be the Inaugural Meeting. The subsequent Annual General Assemblies shall be held within fifteen months of the previous Annual General Assembly.
4.6 The Council may call Special General Assemblies through its Chairperson. Such Assemblies may also be called by the Council if it is requested in writing to do so by no less than 25% of the membership. 
4.7 The Council shall give notice in writing at least four months in advance of any General Assembly.
4.8 The General Assembly may take decisions only on subjects already put in the agenda.
4.9 Except for particular cases foreseen by this Constitution, the quorum is half of members and the resolutions are taken by simple majority vote of the present membership. 
4.10 Resolutions of the General Assembly are written in a register, signed by the Council Chairperson and at least by two Council members, and kept by the Secretary at members disposal.
5.1 The Council will consist of a maximum of fifteen and a minimum of seven members. There must be no more than three members from the same country. At least one member of it must be Belgian.
5.2 The Council will select amongst its members an Executive consisting of the following Officers:
ˇ Chairperson;
ˇ Vice-Chairperson;
ˇ Secretary;
ˇ Treasurer.
5.3 Council members shall be elected for a two-year term. 
5.4 The Council will be responsible to the General Assembly for the running of FEPTO. It may delegate specific tasks to a member or a third person for a limited time. It may also create Committees. Each Committee must contain at least one member of the Council. 
5.5 The Committees will carry out specific tasks on behalf of the Council. They will include:
ˇ Membership Committee that shall be responsible for processing of membership applications.
ˇ Assembly Committee that shall be responsible for the organisation of the Annual General Assembly and Special General Assemblies.
ˇ Training Committee that shall address specific training issues.
ˇ Research Committee.
5.6 The Council has the power, if necessary, to suspend any other member of the Council, including the Executive Officers. Only the Assembly, however, may decide upon the removal of the Council Member.
5.7 The quorum to deliberate shall be half of the effective members. Resolutions are taken by a simple majority vote of present members. In case of balance, the Council Chairperson's vote will determine the outcome of the vote.
5.8 Council resolutions are registered and signed by its Chairperson and at least two Council members, and kept by the Secretary at members' disposal.
5.9 Unless otherwise decided, all acts which bind the Association shall be signed by two Council members who need not give evidence of their powers.
5.10 All judicial actions, either as plaintiff or defendant, will be handled by the Council represented by its Chairperson or by a Council member designated by it.
6.1 The social year starts January the first and closes December 31st.The General Assembly will appoint one or more Auditors at the beginning of each term, who will examine the accounts of the Federation and give their written evaluation at the end of each year.
6.2 The Council has to submit to the General Assembly the accounts of the past year and the budget of the coming year.
7.1 Membership will be approved by the General Assembly on the recommendation of the Council following the criteria accepted by the General As-sembly. Applicants not accepted by the Council can appeal in writing directly to the General Assembly.
7.2 Membership will cease:ˇ if the member resigns in writing;ˇ if the member fails to pay his/her membership dues for longer than a year.
7.3 A member who fails to comply with the mem-bership conditions can be suspended by the Council and can only be expelled from the Federation by the General Assembly, after the member has been given the opportunity to present his/her case. The member will have the right to appeal.
7.4 Any member who, through death or otherwise, ceases to belong to the Association shall forfeit any right to any part of the assets of the Association.
8.1 The Council will prepare By-Laws as necessary. All such By-Laws shall be approved by the General Assembly.
8.2 Members of FEPTO can propose by-laws changes to the General Assembly. These proposals must be sent to the Council in writing at least three months before the General Assembly.
9.1 Founding Members have one vote. Those who belong to a Member Training Organisation cannot vote as individuals. If they are not members any more, they regain their individual vote.
9.2 Each Training Organisation shall have two votes cast by the appointed representative(s) present in the Assembly. Their affiliates have no votes, but are represented by the Organisation.9.3 Each Accrediting Organisation shall have one vote cast by the appointed representative present in the Assembly. If the representative is a Founding Member he loses his individual vote, but regains it when he is no more a representative. 
9.4 The quorum shall be half of the members, except for changes to the Constitution and dissolution.
10.1 Amendments to the Constitution can only be made by the General Assembly. The quorum for such a decision is 2/3 of the members. The majority for such decisions is 2/3 of the possible votes. If the quorum is not achieved in the first meeting, the decision can be taken without a quorum at the second meeting by 2/3 majority.
10.2 The Council will inform in writing all members of any proposed amendments to the Constitution at least two months in advance of the General Assembly.
11.1 All members shall pay an annual fee of an amount as proposed by the Council and agreed to by the Annual General Assembly.
11.2 In any case the annual fee cannot be higher than 100.000 Belgian francs (index December 1996).
12.1 The dissolution of FEPTO must be agreed by the General Assembly. If the quorum is not achieved in the first instance, the dissolution will occur without a quorum at a second meeting by a simple majority. 
12.2 In the case of dissolution of FEPTO, the Council shall appoint a Liquidating Committee. The remaining net assets of liquidation shall be given to any non-profit making organisation(s), felt appropriate by the General Assembly.
13.1. What is not foreseen by this Constitution, and especially the publications that will appear on the Moniteur belge, will be regulate according to the provisions of the Belgian law of October 25th 1919, modified by the law of December 6th 1954.

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