The last General Assembly has closed a term in which we have mainly been busy in the work of founding our Federation: at present we exist formally and legally as an Organization.

From now on I hope that each Committee does its part to ensure that FEPTO does not become a "sleeping beauty" but that it is rather a living and vital organism. For my part, I will do my best to give co-ordination and unity to the committee’s work.

I want to say here something about a prosaic but essential topic: the payment of fees, an absolute condition to be a member in good standing.

The Assembly has unanimously agreed that the fees for 1998 should be:

Founding members : 150 DM

Training Organisations: 300 DM

Accrediting Organisations: 300 DM

Payment of fees must be completed before December in order to comply with the Belgian regulations of a financial year from January to December. The 1998 fees must be paid by December of this year.

Payment for Founding Members who cannot keep their vote as representatives of an Organisation should be dropped.

In the case of financial hardship, Individuals or Organisations can negotiate a fee with the Council.

Early application to the Chairperson is necessary.


Giovanni BORIA