Article for discussion

Studies in treatment effects of psychodrama therapy

from M. Wieser (Austria)


The listing is based on ICD-10 and arranged in year of publication.

F00-F09 Organic, including symptomatic, mental disorders

F10-F19 Mental and behavioural disorders due to psychoactive substance abuse
Controlled studies:

[Mann, L. & Janis, I. L. (1968). A Follow Up Study on the Long-Term Effects of Emotional Role Playing. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 8, 339-342 (ICD-10 F17.25)]


Other naturalistic studies:

Wood, D., Del Nuovo, A., Bucky, S. F., Schein, S., & Michalik, M. (1979). Psychodrama With an Alcohol Abuser Population. Group Psychotherapie, Psychodrama, Sociometry, 32, 75-88 and reprinted (1981). U.S. Navy Medicine, 72, 22-30 (ICD-10 F10.1)

Crawford, R. J. M. (1989). Follow Up of Alcohol and Other Drug Dependents Treated with Psychodrama. New Zealand Medical Journal, 26 April, (102:866), 199 (ICD-10 F10.2-F19.2)

Harter, K. E. (o. J.). Laufende(n) Studie zur Evaluation von Psychodrama bei Suchttherapie. Burmeister, J., Leutz, G. & Diebels, E. Psychodramatherapie. Dokumentation zur Anerkennung als wissenschaftlich anerkannte psychotherapeutische Behandlungsmethode. O. O.: Deutscher Fachverband für Psychodrama DFP, S. 113-114 (ICD-10 F10.2- F14.2, F50)

F20-F29 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
Randomized-controlled trials:

Sturm, I. E. & Stuart, B. R. (1974). Effects of Remotivation and Role Re-Training on Inpatient Interview Presentableness. Newsletter for research in mental health and behavioral sciences 16, 15-19 (ICD-10 F20.5)


Controlled studies:

Peters, H. N. & Jones, F. D. (1951). Evaluation of Group Psychotherapy by Means of Performance Test. J. Consult. Psychology 15, 363-367 (ICD-10 F20.9)

Jones, F. & Peters, H. (1952). An Experimental Evaluation of Group Psychotherapy. Journal of Consulting Psychology 18, 345-353 (ICD-10 F20.9)

Harrow, G. (1952). Psychodrama Group Therapy, its Effects upon the Role Behaviour of Schizophrenic Patients. Group Psychotherapy 5, 120-172 (ICD-10 F20.9)

Other naturalistic studies:

Parrish, M. M. (1959). The Effect of Short Term Psychodrama on Chronic Schizophrenic Patients. Group Psychotherapy 12, 15-26 (ICD-10 F20.5)

F30-F39 Mood (affective) disorders
Randomized-controlled trials:

Mehdi, P. R., Sen, A. K. & Sen Mazumdar, D. P. (1997b). The Usefulness of Psychodrama in the treatment of depressed Patients. Indian Journal of Clinical Psychology, 24,1, 82-88 (ICD-10 F33.9)


Controlled studies:

Mehdi, P. R., Sen Mazumdar, D. P. & Sen, A. K. (1997a). The Effectiveness of Psychodrama in Changing the Attitudes Among Depressed Patients. The Journal of Personality and Clinical Studies 13 (1-2), 19-23 (ICD-10 F33.9)

Other naturalistic studies:

Ernst, M., Wiertz, A. & Sabel, B. A. (1980). Veränderungen im soziometrischen Wahl- und Wahrnehmungsverhalten in einer Psychodramagruppe psychiatrischer Patienten. Eine Erkundungsstudie. Oberborbek, K. (Hrsg.). Sozialpsychiatrische Informationen. Psychodrama, 20-52

F40-F48 Neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders
Randomized-controlled trials:

Lapierre, Y. D., Lavallée, J. & Tétreault, L. (1973). Simultaneous Mesoridazine and Psychodrama in Neurotics. Int. J. Clin. Pharmacology 7, 62-66 (ICD-10 F34.1, F41.1, F43.22 und F68.8)

Kipper, D. A. & Giladi, D. (1978). Effectiveness of Structured Psychodrama and Systematic Desensitization in Reducing Test Anxiety. Journal of Counseling Psychology 25, 499-505 (ICD-10 F41.8)

Controlled studies:

Arn, I., Theorell, T., Uvnäs-Moberg, K. & Jonsson, C.-O. (1989). Psychodrama Group Therapy for Patients with Functional Gastrointestinal Disorders – a Controlled Long-Term Follow-Up Study. Psychother Psychosom 51, 113-119 (ICD-10 F45.31, F45.32)


Other naturalistic studies:

Eibach, H. (1980). Der Einsatz des Psychodramas bei Psychosomatikern in bezug auf die Kriterien der analytischen Kurztherapie. Gruppenpsychother. Gruppendynamik 15, 315-329 (ICD-10 F45.30, F45.32, F41.0)

Newburger, H. M. (1987). The Covert Psychodrama of Phobias. Journal of Group Psychotherapy Psychodrama and Sociometry 40, 33-36 (ICD-10 F40)

Schneider-Düker, M. (1989). Rollenwahl und Gruppenentwicklung im Psychodrama. Gruppendynamik 20 (3), 259-272

Theorell, T. et. al. (1998). Treatment of patients with chronic somatic symptoms by means of art psychotherapy: a process description. Psychother-Psychosom. 67(1), 50-56 (ICD-10 F45.4, F41.2, F43.1, F44.4, F50)


F50-F59 Behavioural syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors


F60-F69 Disorders of adult personality and behaviour


F70-F79 Mental retardation
Other naturalistic studies:

Strain, Ph. (1975). Increasing Social Play of Severely Retarded Preschoolers with Socio-Dramatic Activities. Mental Retardation 13, 7-9 (ICD-10 F71)

Amesberger, G. u. a. (1993). Tätigkeitsbericht Projekt „Hütte – Gemeinschaft – Natur" 1992/1993. Wien: Manuskript (ICD-10 F79)



F80-F89 Disorders of psychological development


F90-F98 Behavioural emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood or adolescence


Randomized-controlled trials:

Gelcer, E. (1978). Social Decentration: Its Measurement and Training in Emotionally Disturbed Institutionalized Children. Weizmann, R. et. al. (Eds.). Piagetian Theory and Its Implications for the Helping Professions. Los Angeles: University Park Press, 160-175 (ICD-10 F93.9)


Controlled studies:

Dequine, E. R. & Pearson-Davis, S. (1983). Videotaped Improvisational Drama with Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents. The Arts in Psychotherapy 10,15-21 (ICD-10 F93.9)


Several groups of disorders

Randomized-controlled trials:

Bender W u.a. (1979) Psychodrama-versus-Freizeitgruppe: Effekte einer 25stündigen Gruppenpsychotherapie bei psychiatrischen Patienten. Fortschritte Neurologie Psychiatrie 47: 641-658 (ICD10 F20.0, F20.1, F25.0, F30.0, F31, F34.1, F41.2, F44, F60.1, F60.4)


Controlled studies:

Carpenter, P. & Sandberg, S. (1985). Further Psychodrama with Delinquent Adolescents. Adolescence 20,599-604 (ICD-10 F1x.1, F66.8, F91.2)


Other naturalistic studies:

Bender, W. u. a. (1981). Psychodramatherapie mit Neurose- und Psychosepatienten unter Einsatz von Video-Feedback. Psychother. Med. Psychologie 31, 125-131 (ICD-10 F20.0, F31.4, F32, F33, F48.0, F50.0, F60.1)

Herfurth, Ch. (1999). Bin ich auf dem richtigen Weg? Psychosomatische Patienten nach stationärer Psychodramatherapie - eine qualitative Studie über subjektiv erlebte Veränderungen. Berlin: Unv. Diplomarbeit (ICD-10 F34.1, F43.21, F45.4, F60.1)

Lemke, B. (1999). Umsetzung psychotherapeutischen Erfahrungswissens in den Alltag. Berlin: Unv. Diplomarbeit (ICD-10 F34.1, F40.0, F43.21, F45.8, F60.1, F60.9)

Petzold, H., Märtens, M., Steffan, A. & Zdunek, K. (o. J.). Psychodrama in der Praxis. Erste Ergebnisse einer Evaluationsstudie im ambulanten Setting. Unv. Manuskript (ICD-10 F32.0-F32.9, F33, F34, F40, F41, F42, F43.0-F43.9, F50, F60)

Steffan, A. (2000). Intermethodenvergleich Integrative Therapie und Psychodrama in der Praxis – Ergebnisse einer Evaluationsstudie im ambulanten Setting. Unv. Manuskript (ICD-10 F32.0-9, F33, F34.1-9,F40, F41, F43.0-9, F45, F50)

Tschuschke, V. & Anbeh, T. (2000). Early Treatment effects of long-term outpatient group. First preliminary results. Group Analysis 33, 3, 397-411 (ICD-10 F3, F40-43, F45, F5, F60-60.7, F60.8-69)

Tschuschke, V. & Anbeh, T. (o. J.). Psychodrama-Gruppentherapie – Frühe Effekte ambulanter Behandlungen. Burmeister, J, Leutz, G. & Diebels, E. Psychodramatherapie. Dokumentation zur Anerkennung als wissenschaftlich anerkannte psychotherapeutische Behandlungsmethode. O. O.: Deutscher Fachverband für Psychodrama DFP, 108-112 (ICD-10 F3, F40-43, F45, F5, F60-60.7, F60.8-69)


Without information in a specific area of disorder

Randomized-controlled trials:

Kipper, D. A. & Ben-Ely, Z. (1979). The effectiveness of the psychodramatic double method, the reflection method, and lecturing in the training empathy. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 35 (2), 370-375

Hudgins, M.K. & Kiesler, D.J. (1987). Individual experiential psychotherapy: An analogue validation of the intervention module of psychodramatic doubling. Psychotherapy 24(2), 245-255

Controlled studies:

Culbertson, F. M. (1957). Modification of an emotionally held attitude through role playing. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology 54, 230-233

Schönke, M. (1975). Psychodrama in Schule und Hochschule – eine empirische Untersuchung. Gruppendynamik 6 (2), 109-116

Schramski, Th. G., Feldman, C. A., Harvey, D. R. & Holiman, M. (1984). A Comparative Evaluation of Group Treatments in an Adult Correctional Facility. Journal of Group Psychotherapy, Psychodrama and Sociometry 36, 133-147

Joyce, A. S., Dyck, R. J., Prazoff, M., Shen, F. & Azim H. F. A. (o. J.). Short-Term Group Psychotherapy Versus Brief Psychodrama In An Outpatient Facility. Edmonton: Unpublished Paper

Other naturalistic studies:

O´Connell, W. E. & Hanson, Ph. G. (1970). Patients´ Cognitive Changes in Human Relations Training. Journal of Individual Psychology 26, 57-63

Ploeger, A., Seelbach, G. & Steinmeyer, E. (1972). Änderung der sozialen Wahrnehmung und der Gruppenstruktur im Verlaufe einer ambulanten Gruppenpsychotherapie – Soziometrische Analysen. Z. Psychoth. Med. Psychol. 22, 112-116

Enke, H. (1984). Empirische Gruppenpsychotherapieforschung. Heigl-Evers. (Hrsg.). Kindlers „Psychologie des 20. Jahrhunderts", Bd. 2. Weinheim & Basel: Beltz, S. 741-752

Schmidt, B. (1980). Empirische Untersuchungen differentieller Wirkungen des Psychodramas. Gruppendynamik 11 (1), 122-141

Ernst, M. (1989). Interactions of the Protagonists and their Auxiliary Egos in Psychodrama. Process Analyses and Comparisons Using the Symlog Interaction Scoring. International Journal of Small Group Research 5 (1), 89-118

Geßmann, H. W. (1994c). Über die Wirksamkeit psychodramatischer Wochendseminare auf die im Freiburger Persönlichkeitsinventar erfaßten Merkmale und auf das Aggressionsverhalten gemessen mit dem Rosenzweig-Picture-Frustration-Test. Ders. (Hrsg.), Humanistisches Psychodrama 1. Bergerhausen: Verlag des Psychotherapeutischen Instituts, 85-94

Geßmann, H. W. (1995). Empirische Untersuchung der therapeutischen Wirksamkeit der Doppelmethode im Humanistischen Psychodrama. Internationale Zeitschrift für Humanistisches Psychodrama 2 (1), 5- 23

[ ] means that this studies do not fit exactly in this area on different grounds.

Further studies must be included.

M. Wieser

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