COORDINATOR:  Dena Baumgartner - U.S.A.
Anne Schutzenberger - France  anne.schutzenberger@worldonline.fr
Neuzet Uctum Muhler - Turkey 
Renée Marineau - Canada ?




GOALS (as defined by the group):
-To collect archives of films and videos of J.L. Moreno and all the other key figures in Psychodrama
- To make a new video that presents Psychodrama to Newcomers with Key figures of Psychodrama.


ACTIVITY REPORT (february 2004)

Considering to make a yearly book of best publications from various European  (FEPTO) journals about psychodrama. Anne Ancelin Schutzenberger published a very large pocket book on psychodrama and its various technics (500 pages, Paris,Payot,pbp Nov 2003) in French, including a brief history of groupwork, IAGP and psychodrama in the world - and Moreno life- and a large international psychodrama bibliography - [2° enlarged edition planned already for this coming summer, as it is selling quite well]